Kevin O’Sullivan
This is using markdown for a level 1 header
Level 2 header
Level 3 header
Level 4 header
You guessed it! A level 5 header
Finally, a level 6 header!
- Learn about Git and GitHub
- Learn markdown
- Learn Ruby
- and Rails
- Learn JavaScript/TypeScript
- Including React
- What
- about
- a long
- list
- of many
- words
- that go
- beyond
- ten bullets
- Learn JavaScript/TypeScript
- Including React
- What
- about
- a long
- list
- of many
- words
- that go
- beyond
- ten bullets
- Is it possible
- to mix
- list formats
- indented
- sets of
- lists
Skill 1: I can write markdown in Italic Skill 2: I can do it multiple ways!
Skill 3: Likes learning new sh.. stuff! Wow! Another way to write in bold!
I can mix and match different styles in a single line of text.